The Peneder arched roof offers much more than just protection. This architectural design element makes a building unique. The arch creates an identity, evoking emotions from those who view it. We set new standards with our one-of-a-kind arched roof: Whether you are seeking an unmistakable silhouette, practical open-air roofing or an elegant façade appearance, we use versatile arch shells to combine tradition with modernity.
The epitome of allure and aesthetics
Since the beginning of humankind, the arch has been a striking element of protection. And its static strength is still impressive today. Like magic, it draws the eye and makes an impact while serving its purpose. An arched roof is emblematic of these qualities – the pure symbiosis of structural art and attractive function. It is unique, elegant and beautiful. We put tremendous passion into creating this special charm while incorporating the client's own wishes.
Distinctive and exciting
Be inspired to create something new and extraordinary. An attractive Peneder arched roof gives you unique design options and versatility. In addition to its architectural identity, it also evokes a sense of tension and sweeping motion. In terms of efficiency and practicality, the functional arched roof is unbeatable. Enormous span widths and its self-supporting nature make it second to none – your design freedom is guaranteed.
"The Peneder arched roof has a pronounced visual impact and offers large span widths with extremely few load-bearing components. The lack of supports allows for a level of floor plan flexibility which cannot be achieved with any other roof we know of. As an architect, the self-supporting nature of the Peneder arched roof offers me significant design freedom for floor plans, which is also an easy sell for the customer. If I can cover a large hall or similar large space without supports, then that's sensational."